About US/Me

Hi I'm Lucy the owner of Nostalgiclucia 

With a love for all the stylish irresistible designs of Shabby chic, retro, floral and Mid Century Modern, with the pop of patterns, the clean lines and rustic looks that time has given us what is not to love. 

I have a passion for creating, I started with a small business here making coffee mugs, cutting boards and t-shirts all from home. It is time to share my designs with the world and provide you with quality products at affordable prices.

Due to limitations these products are now printed by a Professional Company on my behalf and sent directly to you're homes saving on time and the cost of shipping as much as possible.

I do hope you enjoy what you find if there is a design you would like to put on a product please do not hesitate to contact me, anything is possible.

Have a lovely Day wherever you may be. Lucy